
Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Going to Tamaki College Sports Day

golden flathead.PNG
On Friday the future year nine students of Tamaki College had a wonderful and splendid time!

After a quick ride on the Tamaki College van to Tamaki we hopped off and headed to the auditorium. There we received our team colours and were seated. There were P.E. teachers in front of us and a small stage. Everyone had been organised into teams and took off.  

The first thing we did was a teamwork game. We had blindfolds on and had to use different noises to find each other.

Our next thing was morning tea and we had a drink, muffin and a apple. Straight after that was the REC center where we played octopus and a challenging boat game. Our next team was on the prickly grass that hurt me and was also in the red hot sun. On the big field we played three games, two including teamwork. When we finished it was lunch time which was a sandwich, chips, water bottle and a chewy watch.

To finish the day off we had a NFL game (no tackling just tagging) , and a really fun and tiring tug of war. Tug of war was arranged so that team colors could verse each other. We then heard a speech and I won a prize!

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